Xiao Gan is a small, active, almost 10-year-old girl with autism. She has obvious emotional control issues: When she is excited, she runs and screams; when she is angry, she screams, cries and runs. She also has epilepsy — often accompanied with a fever— that has required hospitalization in severe cases. For her parents, taking care of her is a great challenge, but they are as sweet and loving as can be, and they never give up.
In May 2018, Xiao Gan began receiving rehabilitative training at the CZ Angel House, which is funded in part by Rainbow Missions. In a little over a year, Xiao Gan learned to listen to and obey instructions, line up for meals and perform other daily living skills. She can now speak a few words.
Even though Xiao Gan has emotional outbursts because of autism, she also has many admirable attributes. She likes to laugh, is very happy, is good at spelling and solving puzzles, and has a good memory. Xiao Gan enjoys holding a leaf next to her ear and listening to the sound of her fingers tapping it.

Besides her parents, Xiao Gan has a younger brother who is a little more than six months old. Dad is the pillar of this family of four. His primary source of income is from raising pigs.
The family’s pig farm had to be demolished in late 2018 due to policy changes. They left CZ and moved back to the village of her father’s uncle. In the wilderness, they created a large pig pen for the pigs. The new home was further away from CZ Angel House; travel time to the center increased from 20 to 50 minutes. Due in large part to her father’s insistence she continues to receive therapy daily and arrive on time, I was able to witness Xiao Gan’s progress and growth.
The African Swine Fever broke out in May 2019, killing every pig owned by the family (over 100). The family experienced a terrible financial crisis. Xiao Gan’s father turned to raising chickens for an income.
Into every life some rain must fall. At the end of September, Xiao Gan suddenly had a seizure with a fever lasting several days. On September 30th, Xiao Gan’s father was seriously injured in an automobile accident while driving to purchase medicine for Xiao Gan. He was sent to the local People’s Hospital for treatment. His diagnoses were closed abdominal injury, traumatic duodenal rupture, acute peritonitis and abdominal soft tissue injury. The accident hit Xiao Gan’s family hard.
Xiao Gan’s father had always been diligent and optimistic. However, while interviewed in the hospital he lamented, “I have been thinking about my family from dawn to dusk these past few days. I don’t know how to go on. Our income is meager, and our savings has already been spent. The cost of rehabilitation is a bottomless pit. The doctor said I will recover in the next year; in the meantime, I cannot work. We are a farmer’s family; we cannot work in the fields. There is no income and we feel unprecedented financial pressure. I have 2 children: The older one is 9 years old, disabled, cannot live normally, has cramps, seizures, and sometimes fevers. She needs medication to control her symptoms. The younger one is just 6 months old. If there is no work, I really don’t know how I can give them what they need.” His voice trailed and he was unable to continue speaking.
Because Xiao Gan’s father was hospitalized, no one was able to bring her to CZ Angle House to receive therapy. She was confined to the home and received care from her elderly grandmother. Xiao Gan’s mother took care of her baby and traveled to the hospital to care for her husband. The uncle took care of the chickens.
God’s love works miracles. Xiao Gan is a child supported by Rainbow Missions. We share the plight of this family hoping you will pray for them. We invite you to walk with us to support them financially so they can experience the Lord’s love and grace during this most difficult time.

