May 20th 2017 was a very exciting day – Rainbow Missions held its first-ever fund-raising Walkathon named “Walk in Love” with an aim to express our willingness to walk together with the disabled children in China. Although we cannot fully comprehend the difficulties in their daily lives, one of the activities — to walk blindfolded gives us a glimpse of their feelings.
I grew up in a well-off family. My parents love me and provide me with all the daily necessities. When I was a little child, I learned from TV fund-raising programs about how the poor disabled children live in shabby and dirty places. At that time, I thought money could solve all their problems. Recently as I worked as an intern at Rainbow Missions. I participated in the planning work for the Walkathon and began to realize that “money is not omnipotent”.
During the Walkathon preparation, we encountered a lot of challenges that could not be solved by money. For example, we cannot control the unpredictable weather in Seattle. We can do nothing but pray. It rained a lot in the first two weeks in May. Amazingly it stopped raining a few days before the event. We are so thankful for a sunny and beautiful day for the Walkathon so that we could set up tents and tables on the lawn and dry land.
On that day, the staff and our volunteers arrived at the park at 8 am. The preparation team, with members aged from 9 to 65, could make multiple deliveries and set up everything within 90 minutes. By 9:30 am we were all ready when people began to come. There were 77 participants. The event was a great success. We have received support from various churches; and some sisters in Christ have brought snacks to share.
“For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7
I was blindfolded in one of the activities. I was so lost in the darkness that I was too scared to walk ahead. It took me half an hour to finish a five-minute walk. Though I felt profoundly the loneliness on a long journey, I was blessed to have an assigned partner who walked with me together. He held me, guided me, supported me and talked to me all the way. As a result, I understand that children with disabilities not only need financial support, but also need spiritual and emotional support and care.
The main purpose of this event is to bring awareness to the young people of the needs for children with disabilities in China; to help them experience the lives of the disabled. So far, we have raised 7,000 U.S. dollars to help a few visually impaired students to attend a 7-day summer learning camp. They will receive training on self-cognitive and communication skills.
Not every child in China is living in a happy home. Rainbow Missions sincerely invite you to walk with us, open your hearts to live out God’s love, be a blessing to others and walk with them. Please email us at rainbows@therainbows.org for more information. If you would like to financially support this summer camp, you can send your check to Rainbow Missions, PO Box 1526, Renton, WA 98058; please specify “Summer Learning Camp”. Thank you!
我在小康之家成長,從不用擔心衣食住行的問題,在父母的愛護下,過著無憂無慮的生活。記得小時候常在電視籌款節目中看到一些貧困殘障的兒童,生活在簡陋又骯髒的地方,那時我心裡只有一個想法 — 有錢就能解決問題。直到最近在彩虹工程實習,有機會參與步行籌款的籌備工作,「錢是萬能」這個思想才慢慢地改變。
因我們行事為人是憑著信心,不是憑著眼見 (哥林多後書5:7)
這次步行籌款主要目的是喚醒年輕人對國內殘障兒童需要的意識,藉此體驗他們的生活,也希望把籌得的款項,資助幾位失明學生參加一個7 天的暑期學習營,增加對自己的認知和溝通能力。我們已經籌得7,000美元。
幸福不是必然的,不是每個小孩都是在安然的居所生活,彩虹工程摯誠邀請你與我們一起同行,敞開你的生命,把心中這一份愛活出來,成為他們的祝福,與他們同行。歡迎你們電郵至 rainbows@therainbows.org 索取更多有關資訊。若你希望資助這暑期學習營,請把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 1526, Renton,WA 98058,並註明「Summer Learning Camp」。謝謝!