Rainbow Missions was founded in 2005. In the past 12 years, our growth and the growth of our service to disabled children in China have been inseparable. Our journal has witnessed the growth of the children we care for as well as that of Rainbow Missions.
On October 16th, 23rd, and 29th of last year we held our Annual Fundraising Dinner at Chinese Baptist Church and China Harbor Restaurant. In order to accommodate our guests, we held three separate events, one in English, one in Mandarin, and one in Cantonese. During our preparation, we ran into a few obstacles. For example, there was a storm that made us change our venue. With the help and support of our brothers and sisters and our guests, we were able to quickly move the venue of the dinner and it turned out to be a great success. In our annual fundraiser, we all looked back at our Rainbow Missions Journal which is filled with the love of the Lord and serves as a testimony of how He touches everybody.
請 按此閱讀中文版 (彩虹成長日記) .
This “dairy” took place from 2010 summer service team member, Pastor Li, and our lifetime volunteer Mrs. Chiao. They started something very meaningful. Last year, we are extremely thankful for being able to host Jing Jing, whom we’ve supported for the past 6 years, and Director Wang of Angel House, in the U.S., and it is a pleasure to have them come personally to share with us.
Jing Jing is a child with cerebral palsy. Abandoned by her parents, she grew up in an orphanage and didn’t have the opportunity to go to school until she was 15, when she came in contact with Rainbow Missions’ short term service team. Touched by her love for people and her childlike faith, we were instantly reluctant to let her continue living in the orphanage. Through overcoming some obstacles, we were able to get Jing Jing into Angel House, and there, she was able to receive education, treatment for her condition, and job and life skill training.
In the past 6 years, Jing Jing has had the opportunity to learn. She graduated last summer, began working with us, and her dream is to one day become a pastor. She wants to start an orphanage to help other children with disabilities like herself and give them a home full of warmth. Reading Jing Jing’s journal, seeing her come out of a seemingly hopeless situation into a bright future, has moved us all. Thanks to the Lord and for your support we look forward to helping more children like Jing Jing on the road to a brighter future in which the door of opportunities will open for them. We want to take this opportunity to thank our guests, speakers, workers, and Rainbow Missions supporters all these years. These 3 fundraising dinners were well attended with a total of 390 people. We are very thankful for your continued support and partnership. We are grateful to God that in these three fundraising dinners, we were able to raise a total of US$70,800.
Lastly, we want to thank everyone for your prayer and financial support which not only help more disabled children but also to encourage their parents who in turn feel that this world is still filled with love and hope. We are overjoyed that these children who once received help can now offer help to others.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” -Proverbs 11:25
「好施捨的必得豐裕,滋潤人的必得滋潤。」─箴言 11:25