RM 15th anniversary booklet with 2019 financial report and video of “Cars under the Stars” fundraising events is available online. Please follow us on our website.

In mid-January, the field workers at the orphanage with which RM partners in China were notified they needed to leave the orphanage/rehab center, which meant they needed to say goodbye to the disabled children and their parents whom we cared for, loved and sponsored for almost 4 years. We had established close relationships, like a family. We didn’t want to say goodbye.
The outbreak of Covid-19 at the end of January made the Chinese New Year a very unique one. Visually impaired college students as well as children and teachers from the autism center who had returned to their hometowns for Chinese New Year were forced to stay home for a few months. There was no way to go back to school for classes.
In early March, the pandemic in the United States became severe. Seattle was the first to bear its brunt. Our hearts were touched when visually impaired college students we sponsored sent us greetings and exhortations. In April, after many considerations due to the continuing severity of the pandemic, we sadly realized we had to cancel the service trips to China scheduled for April and June this year as well as the annual fundraising dinner planned for October.
In mid-May, a co-worker suggested a brilliant idea — even though we couldn’t hold indoor activities due to the pandemic and the need for social distancing. why not organize an alternative fundraising party in a more creative way? So, two outdoor drive-in fundraising events named “Cars under the Stars” began to take shape.
The fact is, no one had any experience organizing an outdoor fundraising event. We kept a humble and open attitude, prayed for the guidance of the Lord, and relied upon His grace to plan and carry out the event. The short videos and messages we wanted to be able to share, a suitable venue, needed outdoor audio equipment and operations, outdoor projection equipment and screen, and online live streaming were all extremely challenging and daunting.
As we continued working hard to turn various creative ideas into reality, there was also exciting news from China:

In early June, the autism center in CC resumed classes, the number of teachers and students doubled, and the need for funds also grew. Impoverished blind students accepted into colleges applied for our student aid program, and college students with visual impairments whom we supported were eager to resume classes. In mid-July, our field workers in SE China contacted us, hoping we could continue supporting the treatment of the children in the orphanage/rehab center. Although they had left the orphanage, they continued to communicate with the children and parents who had received rehabilitation there, and they kept meeting online every week to support the parents with rehabilitation. They also performed home visits every two months. Knowing the children are still growing and progressing, RM can continue to support them. We can still reunite with them after the pandemic subsides! We (and they) are greatly comforted and encouraged.
Back to the preparations for the outdoor fundraising party. Thank the Lord for His guidance. He guided us step by step in multiple ways:
• Field co-worker YY found a brother in China to help with the video production.
• One of the RM representatives in San Francisco’s Bay Area helped with the English subtitles.
• Pastor Ng from KCAC generously let us use the church’s parking lot and restrooms and their audio-visual co-worker, sister Wong, to livestream both events for us.
• Brother Lee of Chinese Baptist Church let us use his audio equipment and sound technicians and set these up for us.
• We were able to rent suitable outdoor projectors and a large inflatable screen at reasonable prices.
• Several sisters enthusiastically contributed to our charity sale. There were more than 300 beautifully sewn practical masks.
• We received air-shipped face shields with RM logos from Hong Kong to sell at events.
God’s grace exceeded our expectations!
2020 marked the 15th anniversary of RM. Our theme was “God’s Grace Beyond the Rainbow!”. We appreciate sister Tina’s work on the anniversary booklet collecting and editing manuscripts, charts and photographs, and co-worker Ricky’s hard work and dedication in computer typesetting, printing, and binding the booklets. We also appreciate other dedicated hard-working co-workers and volunteers. During the rehearsal and the two nights (8/15 and 8/22) of the drive-in events, the technicians, emcees, speakers, singers, and many other brothers and sisters dedicated their efforts and gave their best. We were touched and encouraged, and the whole process was a beautiful and unforgettable experience!
The pandemic is still severe. The virus is keeping us apart, but through livestreaming on the internet, we were able to connect brothers and sisters all over the world with caring hearts for disabled children and young adults to our drive-in fundraising events with the click of a link.
Thank you for coming and participating in our first outdoor fundraising events. Thank you for your support through watching the livestream from home and through your prayers and financial support, recommendations, and volunteer work. We sincerely thank you for walking this journey with us. We are thankful for you!
十五週年特刊與2019財政報告並「星光車影」 戶外晚會剪影已經刊登於彩虹工程網站,歡迎大家閱讀瀏覽。

