Can you imagine a blind guy, a girl without arms and a girl who is deaf eating together? To say the least, the communication and the practicality of eating got interesting fast. I’ll leave it to your imagination to think about what happened.

LJ is one of the students XY is helping to train as an animation artist. The picture on the right is the logo she designed. It’s the logo for their organization called “the language of the heart”. What a beautiful name.
Last but not least, XY assigned LJ to lead me. “That’s a little mean, isn’t it? 🙂 We figured out how she would communicate with me – sort of. It’s her elbow! It’s amazing how much she could tell me with her elbow. I got to show you when I see you next. And then, if all fails, we would stop and she would write Chinese characters on my palm. I’m thankful that I learned Chinese characters up to 8th grade. My Chinese teacher should be very proud of me.

You see, LJ is very, very observant. Since she does not have hearing, she can observe many things in detail around us and tell me using her elbow. And that’s why she can do animation art so well. XY explained to me that since her heart is so pure, when the language of the heart comes out, the designs are beautiful.
We met someone in Microsoft who is very impressed with her art work. Let’s pray that opportunity would open up for her and others like her at some point. At the same time, she have drawn on my palm saying that she trusts the Lord. For sure, her elbow is telling beautiful stories about her faith.