Dear Rainbow Uncles and Aunts,
Greetings! I am Su. I live far away on the other side of a gigantic ocean. I am very thankful for your support and care.

During my last semester at J University, I was diagnosed with a corneal ulcer in my right eye. I was shocked by the news. I asked the doctor to prescribe drugs to slow its progression so I could complete my studies. I took a winter break from school and had my eyes checked often. Professor Wang from the Eye Center of S University in G city took over my eye care. After carefully examining my eyes with several optometric instruments, he informed me the corneal ulcer was causing my eyesight to deteriorate.
My family relies upon our parents’ meager income from their work in a dye factory. Last year in my hometown of G city, my parents spent all their hard-earned savings to build a house for our family of six. I worried about the financial impact of eye surgery and follow-up treatments upon my family and finally decided to fill out an application form for economic and spiritual support from far away uncles and aunts through Rainbow Missions.
I returned to G city this summer filled with hopes and expectations the tortuous and severe pain in my right eye would soon end and my vision would be restored so I would be able to see the world again through that precious eye. However, those dreams were dashed after I was informed a corneal transplant would be useless because my right eye was severely damaged and the pain was due to glaucoma, which increases intraocular pressure and causes severe pain. I was told it would be impossible to recover vision in my right eye but surgery would reduce the intraocular pressure. The news distressed me, but I was thankful surgery could bring an end to the pain.
I received approval for right eye surgery and completed the pre-operative examination, but the surgery has not yet been scheduled because of the long waiting list. Experts tell me my high intraocular pressure is very serious; it will be impossible to cure with a single operation. Several might be needed, each costing $5,000 – $6,000 RMB (around $800US) for surgical fees. This would not include the cost of hospitalization or other related expenses. This worried me and my family, so I asked how many surgeries I might need. I was told a prediction cannot be made – it all depends upon the outcome of each surgery.
Dear Rainbow uncles and aunts, these are the challenges I’m facing. Even though we are separated by thousands of miles, Rainbow Missions has always cared for me and provided me a great deal of support. Because of your love and support, I wanted you to know what I’ve been facing. Thank you for your help.
Thank you so much for your loving support for Su. We have raised $6760 so far for her eye surgery. We will use this amount of money to fund the upcoming examinations, operations, and hospitalization costs for Su’s surgery. Thank you!

在上學期,J 大學第二附屬醫院檢查出我是角膜潰瘍。聽到這個消息,我當時嚇了一跳。為了完成學業,我讓醫生開藥先控制病情惡化的速度,決定寒假再仔細檢查。
寒假,G市 S 大學眼科中心王敎授替我檢查。經過各種儀器的鑑定,右眼確診為角膜潰瘍,並且一直在惡化。由於家中六口人,都只靠父母在染色廠工作那點微薄的收入生活,而且就在去年,在我G市老家蓋房子,又花光了父母多年辛苦積攢的積蓄,面對治療所需的費用,我時時發愁,最終寫下了申請,向雖然遠在重洋彼岸,卻關愛著我的叔叔阿姨們請求經濟及精神上的幫助。