Supporter Email Generation

You can fill out this form to send out emails to your friends to be your sponsor with the following content:


Dear friend,

I have signed up to participate a Walkathon for the Rainbow Missions Fund Raising
on May 20 and would welcome you to be my sponsor for this event.

Rainbow Missions is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serve the children with
disabilities and their families in China. You can find out more about Rainbow Missions
on their web site:

The goal of this fund raising effort is $20,000 and I will try to do my share to fulfill it.
If you would like to support me please go to this webpage to make the donation and designate
my name Your Name. You can donate online or send in the
payment by following the instruction there.

You are welcome to join this event and please spread the words.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

Your Name

PS: Your personal messages


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Supporter Email
This form can help you to send out email to potential supporters for the Walkathon you joined
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Your Last Name *
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Your Email *
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Your Personal Messages
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Email Address of Your Supporters *
Please enter email addresses separated by comma (,)
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