24 Hours 7 Days A Week
While you are sleeping at night, some volunteers in the USA are calling China with their phones to give counseling to people with disabilities on marriage or anything that is critical in their families. While you are awake, our staff and volunteers are busy in program preparation and training volunteers.
No one else can do better counseling than Rainbow Missions for people with disabilities in China because some of our professional counselors also have disabilities. They deeply understand what the people in China are going through. We encourage college students with disabilities to work hard to succeed because sponsoring their education fees is not the only thing they need. And some of them will eventually help others with disabilities.
How Money is Spent in China

With the money you give, poor families with disabled children can receive sponsorship for their education, rehabilitation and boarding. Some will receive equipment to enhance their daily activities. A blind person may receive a cane, a Braille typewriter or even computer installed with screen-reader software. A child with cerebral palsy may receive a toddler trolley or wheelchair. The money will also be used at the Pre-Career Development Program so an adult with a disability may receive a job internship and training. Sometimes your money will be used on emergency medical attention for the people we serve.
Your money will also pay our professional local staff to carry out their services for people with disabilities in China. Our staffs visit them and may occasionally run chores for those who are home bounded. Our staffs lead them in singing and studying books to satisfy their spiritual needs.
Provide Consultation and Networking
When professionals go to China, the people Rainbow Missions serves will receive talks, training, and different ways of treatment. Local service centers and businesses operated by people with disabilities will receive management training and business consultation. When teachers and parents need further knowledge and skills to empower people with disabilities, Rainbow Missions uses our strong network in Hong Kong to naje arrangements for training and studies.
Every year, a few short term service teams are sent from the USA and Hong Kong to China. Each team consists of volunteers and professionals. Often there is at least one person with disabilities too. Team activities include visitations, taking the children and adults with disabilities on outings, counseling, life enrichment talks, English corners, management consultation, training teachers and parents, as well as talks in colleges and universities. Christmas parties are very much appreciated during winter visits.
We also outreach to parents and help them to set up support groups. Training, talks and counseling can be done through Skype or other means of technology.
Other special programs
Rainbow Missions has a small team of IT professionals to develop software for children and adults with disabilities to use. A career counselor specializing in people with disabilities in the USA gives talks in China and guides the process of our Pre-Career Development Program. We sent emergency relief teams to the earthquake zone of Wenchuan.
Your Partnership Is Important
All of the above programs won’t be successful without your partnership with Rainbow Missions. There are many ways that you can contribute to the lives of people with disabilities in China. Check out this how to get involved here!