Written by Stella
Last October, I went to GX for home visits. The weather was very hot about 28゜C. The roads were bumpy and rocky. The terrains with its many uniquely shaped hills were rich with sugarcane and banana trees. After an hour’s drive, we finally reached our destination. Our car parked in front of an old and dilapidated building; living in it was a family of four – a couple, a son and a daughter. The son named TL was about three years old, and the daughter eleven. She attends a boarding school and comes home on weekends.
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Although life is hard, TL’s parents are honest, simple, and warmhearted. TL was born with Down Syndrome and congenital heart disease. His body was very weak. However, his parents never gave up taking care of their son and did their best to protect him and overcome difficulties. Last September, TL finally had the opportunity to go to AHCZ for school and rehabilitation. TL’s mother stated TL was very shy in the past; he used to hide behind her all the time. He was afraid of contact with other people. Under the guidance of teachers, TL changed. He began to interact with other children in the center. With the tremendous help of the physiotherapist, his limb mobility improved significantly and he is learning to eat and crawl.
Because the family lives in poverty and have a disabled child, they qualified to receive government subsidies to build their house in a small and old village. However, they lack money for a second floor and a roof for their house. Planting sugar cane is their only source of income. Life is tough. The AHCZ knew their situation and negotiated with Rainbow Missions to sponsor TL’s rehabilitation expenses. At the same time, the AHCZ also provided TL’s mother a job to do some clean-up work in the center with a monthly salary to supplement their family’s income.
TL has been at the AHCZ for six months and has learned to crawl and hold onto things to help him walk. In addition, he not only learned to call mom and dad but also say a few simple words. He interacts more with people around him. He is livelier and is willing to open his heart to others. When he sees teachers, other parents and classmates, he greets them. In the classroom, TL is able to imitate teachers’ actions, actively participate in classroom activities and imitate simple moves. Teachers, parents and RM colleagues have been deeply inspired by watching TL’s progress.
In January, TL was in the hospital for almost two weeks when a cold developed into pneumonia and pulmonary edema. He is still recovering. Because it’s sugarcane harvesting season, TL’s mom is temporarily on leave from her job at the center to help with farming at home.
Prayer requests:
1. Please pray for TL’s health, especially his heart and lungs and pray he can return to the center for rehab treatment.
2. Please pray for his parents’ health so they can have good health and continue to work and take care of their son. Also, pray they can have peace in their hearts to face challenges and lay down their worries.
Rainbow Missions sincerely invites you to walk with us. Open up your life, live out the love in your heart, become their blessings and walk with them. You are welcome to contact us via email: rainbows@therainbows.org to obtain more information. You may mail a check to Rainbow Missions, PO Box 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015. Please state “Short term service trip STST”. Thank you!
1. 請為TL的身體禱告,特別是他的心臟和肺部,能讓他的肺炎盡快康復,繼續回到福利院學習,接受復康治療。
2. 請為他爸爸媽媽的身體禱告,讓他們在貧困勞苦的生活中有充足的體力和健康;同時也保守他們心靈的平安,能够在困難中學習把憂慮放下、每天都有信心去面對生活和教養孩子的挑戰。
彩虹工程摯誠邀請你與我們同行,敞開你的生命,把心中這一份愛活出來,成為別人的祝福。倘若你願意在金錢上支持服務隊或捐款幫助更多像TL一樣的孩子,可把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,請註明「短期服務STST」及電郵地址。謝謝!