Today is Valentine’s Day. Whether you are single or not, have you ever desired to have a romantic and dramatic love relationship? Tommy, who acquired blindness, fell in love with Becky; However, Becky’s parents opposed them together. Encountering various difficulties, Tommy and Becky decided to let God write their love story. They not only experienced God’s guidance but also the true meaning of love.
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B&T’s concept of love
B: I really like watching movies and Korean dramas. Before I knew T, I often wondered whether my future husband/boyfriend would be tall and handsome like a Korean actor. At that time, I thought appearance was very important.
T: When I was young, I believed the purpose of dating was to get married and raise a family. It was a part of life. After I got an eye disease and became blind, my mood and perspective about life changed. For a while, I thought love was far away from me and it was not easy to obtain it. Then, I prayed about it and let God do it for me. I knew I could do nothing by myself.
How we met
T: We met each other through a Rainbow Missions short term service trip (STST). During STST training in Seattle, I only knew there was a girl named Becky, but I did not know her. At that time, B went to China with a male friend. I thought she had a boyfriend so I did not think much about it. But after that trip, I found B was a caring person and I really admired her attitude and personality. Later, I learned she and her male friend were not lovers. After praying and talking to brothers and sisters at church, I began to have a feeling for B.
B: At first, RM’s founder introduced T and shared his background. He was a guest speaker at that time; thus, I thought he was a “main character” who was professional and knowledgeable. I felt I was only “small potatoes” so I didn’t talk to him and didn’t want to bother him. At first, I thought he needed someone to take care of him and help him a lot. However, when we spent extended time together, I found he could handle many things well and take care of himself.
Full of contradictions before we decided to date
T: When I was on the service trip, B and my mom shared a bedroom. I had more chances to get in touch with B and learn more about her. At the same time, I felt a little inferior. In addition, I lived in Vancouver and she was in Seattle. A long-distance relationship was an important consideration. After leaving CQ, everyone had to return home and there were so many things that were out of my control, so I didn’t think too much and just prayed.
B: After I went back to Seattle, we had video calls, but it was very unrealistic. I could see him but he couldn’t see me. We also tried to contact each other via email or SMS, but only through words. My heart was full of doubts and I was not sure if the relationship should continue to develop.
T: On Valentine’s Day in a particular year, Rainbow Missions had ministry sharing in Vancouver — and B was there. I decided to take this opportunity to approach her and express my true feelings to her before she went back to Seattle.
B: My mood was a bit flattered. Because of my low self-esteem, I was quite surprised this “main character” liked me. At that time, I did not immediately tell him my answer and I needed more time to consider.
T: When I heard her response, I felt like I had fallen from the heights to the bottom of the stairs, but I also understood her heart was not ready to make a commitment.
B: During this time, I prayed and consulted with friends but I did not get an answer until I received good advice from a friend two weeks later. I finally knew what I wanted for a relationship! I decided to tell him my answer and start a love relationship.
B: About a month later, I told my parents about my relationship with T. At the beginning, they saw T via video call and had a good first impression of him. Later, when my parents knew he was blind, they questioned his ability to take care of me and they opposed us together.
B: After thinking for two nights, I decided to tell T my parents’ response. I cried to him for almost an hour. Afterwards, T said he understood my parents’ objections and said, “Although we cannot be lovers, we can still be friends.” We remained friends for three years. During that time, I prayed and asked God why this relationship was full of obstacles.
T: Actually it was very hard during those years. One Christmas day, we had a chance to serve again in China. For a full week’s trip, I knew B was there, too. I was involved in other ministries through Rainbow Missions, so there were many opportunities to get together with her. The truth is, I felt embarrassed to see her again.
B: 2011 Christmas, we went to CQ and served again. At that time, all service team members gathered together to pray for the blind students. In 2012, I went on a service trip for three months, and T spent four months in CQ to serve, too. T and I talked to each other via SMS to share about life and situations in CQ. One day, I mustered courage to ask him about our relationship. After the conversation, we agreed to pray for God’s guidance for a month.
B: One night, I decided to tell my mother about T and my relationship. In advance, a group of brothers and sisters prayed for us. She still asked a series of questions to oppose the relationship, but I felt differently. There was courage and peace from God and I could express my true feelings and talk firmly. This time, my mother approved our relationship.
Happy Ending
T: I am so grateful. I see God’s involvement in our marriage. We learn and we grow so we can love each other more every day.
今天是情人節,不論你仍是單身,還是已有伴侶,你是否也曾渴望像韓劇中的男女主角一樣,擁有著一段驚天動地的愛情呢﹖後天失明的Tommy,在愛情路上遇到了對他傾慕的Becky, 然而B的父母卻反對兩人的發展。面對重重困難,他們卻更深經歷神的帶領,體會愛的真諦,讓神編寫他們的愛情故事。以下分享摘錄自T &B的電台見證︰
B: 我很喜歡看電影和韓劇。在我還未認識T之前,我常幻想將來的另一半會否像韓劇中的男主角一樣,高大威猛,有俊美的樣子。當時的我覺得外表是很重要的。
T: 年輕的時候,愛情對我來說是為了結婚,找一個伴侶,建立家庭,是生活的一部分。但是,當失明之後,整個人的心情十分低落,價值觀也變了。曾有一段時間覺得愛情離我很遙遠,能擁有它是一件不容易的事。於是,當時的我為著這件事禱告,深知要交托給神,靠著自己的能力是不能得到的。
T: 我們是透過彩虹工程短期服務隊認識的。還記得第一次見面就在彩虹工程(西雅圖)的一個訓練課程中。當時,我只知道有B的存在,但我並不認識她,而且B當時是與一位男性朋友前往中國CQ服事,所以我以為她已有男朋友,因此並沒有多想。但經過那次旅程後,我發現B是一位充滿愛心的姊妹,也很欣賞她。後來,我得悉她和那位男性朋友並不是情侶。經過禱告和與其他弟兄姐妹傾訴後,開始對B有心動的感覺。
B: 起初,聽到彩虹工程的創辦人向我介紹T的背景,他是從加拿大來的失明人士,經歷很特別,鼓勵我與他聊天,有機會多認識他。然 而,我覺得他是一個「大人物」。當時T是被邀請作演講嘉賓,他也是一位專業人士,滿有知識,我覺得自己只是小人物,因此不敢打擾他。剛剛認識他的時候,覺得很多事情都需要幫忙他,例如帶他出外,吃飯的時候要為他分菜等。但是,當我們相處久了,才發現很多事情他自己都可以做得到,有時甚至是他反過來照顧我。我看到神給他能力去面對及處理人看來很困難的事。
T: 在短宣的時候,B是跟我媽媽住在同一個房間,因此我有很多機會接觸B,了解她的為人,慢慢對她也有點心動,但同時自己也有點自卑的感覺。另外,當時我住在溫哥華,她在西雅圖,遠距離的關係也是一個考慮,離開CQ後,大家都要各自回到自己居住的地方,還有太多的因素都不在自己控制範圍內,所以我都不敢多想,只有禱告。
B: 回去西雅圖後,我們有視訊,但只有我看到他,他卻看不到我,這種感覺很不實在。我們也嘗試透過電郵或手機短訊聯絡,但只看到文字卻看不到人。我心裡充滿疑惑,到底這段感情關係是否適合。
T: 在某年情人節的那一週,彩虹工程在溫哥華剛好有一些事工分享,B也隨行。我決定藉著今次機會,鼓起勇氣,向她表達心意。
B: 我的心情有點受寵若驚。 由於我的自卑心較重,十分意外這位 「大人物」喜歡上我這位「不顯眼的小人物」。當時我並沒有馬上答應他,我需要時間考慮。
T: 我當時聽到她的回應後,心情就像從樓上墜落至樓下,但我也明白她當時還未有作出決定的心理預備。
B: 在考慮的過程中,我有禱告,也有咨詢在團契認識的朋友,但一直找不到答案。直到一、兩個星期後,得到一位姊妹的提醒,我才確實的把我的答案告訴他,嘗試開始一段戀愛關係。
B: 約一個月後,我與父母視訊並告訴他們我與T談戀愛的事情。剛開始他們在視頻中看到T,對他的印象不錯,沒有察覺到他是失明的,還覺得他挺高大俊俏。我又告訴他們T從事心理輔導,有能力養活我。後來,父母知道他是失明後便問︰「你喜歡一個眼睛看不到的人? 他以後怎樣照顧你? 」剎那間,我腦袋一片空白,好像有一塊大石頭壓在我心上。當時,我並沒有信心跟他們說:我們可以堅定的走下去。加上那時候我並沒有一份穩定的全職工作,T還在讀書,因此,父母更質疑他是否有能力照顧我一生。
B: 我思考了兩個晚上,決定告訴T 我的父母不贊成我們談戀愛。記得那次視頻,我向他哭了差不多一個小時。T也很理解我父母的反對,他說: 「雖然我們做不了情人,但我們仍然可以做朋友,我不想阻礙妳日後的生活。」之後,大概有三年多的時間,我們維持朋友的關係。期間我求問神:為何這段關係看似是出於祢,卻有那麼多的阻礙。
T: 這三年的等待其實是挺辛苦的。有一年聖誕節,我們剛好有機會再次到中國服事。整整一個星期的旅程,我知道B也在當中;另外,我在西雅圖彩虹工程也有其他的事奉,因此也有很多機會遇見B。相見的時候,其實會感到尷尬,心裡還是有感覺的。
B: 2011年的聖誕節,我們再次到CQ服事。當時,整個服務隊成員圍在一起為盲生禱告,我特別感動,腦海裡想到的,就是可以跟T一起住在那班學生當中,一起事奉,希望有一個為期三、四個月的短宣,體驗生活。在2012年的時侯,我去了短宣三個月,而T在九月份的時候也去了四個月。在CQ三個月的時間,我和T互相發短訊分享在CQ的生活和情況。直到有一次,我鼓起勇氣問T 會否再考慮我們的感情。他說︰「有!但我不敢再問妳。」那次對話後,我們都同意用一個月時間禱告尋求神的心意。
B: 有一晚,我決定要告訴母親我與T的事情。事前,我有一些弟兄姐妹為我禱告,支持我。今次與母親的對話中,她依然發問一連串負面的問題,但這次我感到從神而來的勇氣,堅定的向她表達我真實的感受。最後,母親說︰「最重要是你知道自己想要什麼,你有信心可以照顧他,而他可以令你幸福的話,那你去做吧!」
T: 得到B父母的祝福後,心結可說是解開了。有一次,我們計劃再次回到CQ和CC探訪學生。出發前,我買了一杖訂婚戒指,並與一群支持我的弟兄一起籌備求婚計劃。回程的時侯,我約了弟兄們到機場向B求婚。求婚前,為了表示尊重,我特意打了一通電話給未來岳母,請求她的准許。
B: 很感恩在婚姻中,看到神的介入。每一日我們都一起經歷,有祂不同的祝福,每早起來能看到對方,期望新的一天有成長和進步,更多的愛著彼此。我真的沒有想過會有那麼好的伴侶一生一世伴随在我身邊。