When we are grieving and suffering, the most difficult part, perhaps, is the loss of hope. Physical and mental pain — even prolonged hardship — can be endured, but if we lose hope, life would become an endless curse. For the past six years, I have followed Rainbow Missions service teams to China and have come into contact with many students, families, and local volunteers who have become dear friends in my heart.
Looking back upon my experiences over the past years, the most precious thing service teams have brought has not been training nor the transfer of expertise — but hope in life. Last year when the summer was so hot, the service team went to a city in SW China just over a couple hours’ drive from the border of North Vietnam to visit Angel House’s CZ campus — an orphanage and rehab center which has been supported by Rainbow Missions since they started their work there. The facility offers children and orphans with cerebral palsy rehabilitative services and classroom training. During our stay, our retired occupational therapist provided training for their physical therapists and staff to support their work with the disabled children. Our service team also did home visits to care for and encourage parents of children with cerebral palsy.

We met 8-year-old Chunyu and her family during one of these home visits. Little Chunyu was about six months old when she experienced a prolonged high fever which led to frequent and severe epileptic seizures that affected brain development, resulting in intellectual and physical limitations. During our visit, Chunyu’s eyes were sluggish with almost no expression nor reactions to the outside world. She would cry whenever she was not feeling well. She could not speak, and her hands and feet did not move. We learned it was due to frequent seizures. Because of the family’s desperate financial situation, they had missed the best time for her to receive medical attention. Through the assistance of Rainbow Missions, her parents were finally able to take Chunyu to the provincial capital to see a specialist at the hospital. Her seizures became better controlled, and Chunyu was able to start and benefit from daily rehabilitative services at the CZ campus.
Before this visitation, our service team had already been in the city a few days. The sun had always been hanging high and the temperature usually reached 95 degrees (Fahrenheit) in the afternoon. A thunderstorm suddenly pelted heavy rain as we headed to visit Chanyu and her parents. We smiled and said we encountered heavy rain because we went to visit Chunyu (her name sounds like “rain” in Chinese). The van was parked not far from their house but we didn’t have umbrellas and the rain soon flooded the road with a few inches of water. Right at that moment, Chunyu’s mother came out with an umbrella and greeted us. She then picked a few bricks up from the roadside and placed them across the road for us to use as stepping stones.

When we walked into their house, the family’s challenging financial situation was evident. Chunyu has an older sister who studies at a junior high school and a younger sister in kindergarten. To enable Chunyu to receive rehab daily, their family moved from their remote rural home to CZ and rented two small rooms for two hundred yuan (approximately $28 US dollars) a month. Their family of five crowds together in a tiny house about two hundred square feet with a shabby little kitchen and bathroom. In the middle of the room a large nylon tarp hangs beneath the roof to protect them from the rain. Our team members barely squeezed inside the room; we sat on little wooden stools while chatting with them. Fortunately, the rain cooled the sultry temperature a bit. The house is just too old. In winter it is especially cold and in summer extremely hot. The bed was about three feet wide and just above it a small spinning hoisted fan was hanging from the low ceiling blowing a little cool air. Each of us felt it was totally unsafe.
Chunyu’s father is a local construction worker and his income is limited and inconsistent. On rainy days there is no work and no income. Chunyu’s mother needs to stay home to take care of Chunyu and therefore cannot work to contribute financially. Chunyu’s father’s own dad died when he was very young and his mother made him stay with a relative who did not welcome the child. Their relationship was strained and he was lonely and quiet. Traditionally and overall, Chinese value boys over girls, particularly in rural villages. Because Chunyu’s parents had three girls, one of whom is weak and disabled, their relatives and friends were unsupportive and even despised them. Not only did they fail to help, they tried to persuade the parents to abandon Chunyu. Her parents struggled with the decision and were reluctant to take their advice. At the end they decided to maintain the responsibility of raising Chunyu along with her sisters. During our conversation, I could feel the deep-seated, hidden pain inside the heart of Chunyu’s father. He carries feelings of guilt for delaying medical attention resulting in Chunyu’s poor health. The sadness in his eyes revealed his helplessness, pain, despair and worries about her long recovery journey and future.
Before leaving the CZ, our service team coordinated an outdoor activity at a park with the orphanage and rehab center, allowing moms and dads to temporarily put aside their burdens and worries to enjoy an outing with their children. During the event, our group of children with cerebral palsy and their parents sang and played games in the shade of its picnic area. Laughter filled the air. The weather and environment were not as pleasant as we had hoped. Can you imagine having all kinds of activities under hot (90+ degrees), humid and sultry weather? We were sweating non-stop and pesky, annoying mosquitoes were everywhere biting us. Yet, it was absolutely rewarding and encouraging to see the face of a certain father whose shoulders carry a heavy burden brighten up and smile. It was like a light in the dark and a ray of hope in helplessness.

I’ve participated in six Rainbow Missions short term service trips. Over the past six years, I watched my daughter finish high school and become a college graduate and my son advance from junior high school into college. Over that same period of time, I’ve seen the RM-supported autism center start from scratch to one bursting at the seams. I’ve seen a mother who planned to jump off a light rail with her disabled daughter turn her life around. I’ve witnessed a couple with an autistic son re-establish their broken marriage and I’ve seen one blind student after another receive a college education and transform from receiving help to helping others. I’ve seen God’s love and miracles manifested among those in need and observed how these brought hope into their lives. Despair to hope. It seems an impossible distance. Rainbow Missions became the bridge enabling people in distress to move from the darkness of despair to the light of hope.
