Everybody has their own dreams. And everyone’s dream has a different purpose and story behind it. Losing her father at a young age, MY also has a dream with a story full of purpose behind it. At the age of seven, she inherited Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative eye disease. Since then, the visibility in her eye worsened over time to such an extent that she was only able to see a small shade of light. In 2002, her mother found out a school for the blind in the southwestern part of China. So she entrusted MY’s sister to be taken care of by her own parents (MY’s grandparents) and moved with MY to attend the School for the Blind. They rented a very small room with other roommates. MY’s mom picked up trash on the street to provide for themselves. The money they got was not much and the amount was very inconsistent. And it had to go towards MY’s younger sister’s living expenses and MY’s education. Life was very hard on their family.
Even though MY struggled to survive as someone who’s disabled and also living in poverty, this young woman didn’t take pity on herself or look at her disability as a crunch. She kept fighting on and never gave up. It was MY’s childhood dream to go to college to learn all kinds of things and become a well educated person. In 2005, Rainbow Missions staff members visited the School for the Blind MY was attending and got to know her personally. Seeing such a kind, mature, hardworking girl with a love of learning and living in poverty, we were so touched that everyone agreed to support her and to help her accomplish her dream of furthering her education. There’s an old Chinese proverb: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” In 2013, through strenuous hard work and diligence, MY successfully got accepted into a college in a northeastern coastal city in China to major in Massage Therapy.
Although MY had a relatively stable financial support,she didn’t rely on the sponsor but worked harder than before. One time, she needed to buy a learning machine to practice her spoken English and do research for her study. In order to purchase this machine, she went to pick up trash on the street with her mom during summer holidays. The first time she picked up trash on the street, MY needed someone to tell her the direction. Even though it was not easy, she still tried her best to improve her life and pursue a better result on her study. Thankfully, MY will be graduated from college next year!
During the process of achieving dreams, each of us needs to have the support and care of others so that we can face the challenges and live a life which is full of blessings.
Rainbow Mission Fundraising dinner will be held on 16 September (English), 17 September (Mandarin) and 23 September (Cantonese) this year. We will invite MY who will come to Seattle from China to be our guest speaker. She will personally give thanks to her sponsor and share her life experience. If you are interested to come and join us, please email us at fundraisingdinner@therainbows.org for RSVP before 10 September or contact us by phone (206)764-7000 for more information. Due to limited seating, please register as soon as possible.
Not every child in China is living in a happy home. If you have a tug at your heart, want to open your hearts to live out God’s love, and be a blessing to the disabled children to accompany with them to achieve their dream step by step, we would like to invite you to donate $42 per month to support their 1 year tuition. Please send your check to Rainbow Missions, PO Box 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015. Please specify “Sponsorship”. Thank you!
Introduction: Rainbow Missions is a faith-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization set up in US Seattle exclusively for charitable purposes. The Rainbow Project, through Christ’s love, serves children with disabilities and their families in China. Welcome to browse our website @ www.therainbows.org.
彩虹工程今年的籌款晚宴將於9月16(英語) ,17(普通話) , 23(粵語)日舉行,我們特地邀請MY從國內前來西雅圖跟大家見面,親自向多年來一直資助她的家庭致謝,並分享她的心路歷程。若你有興趣,歡迎在9月10日之前電郵至fundraisingdinner@therainbows.org報名預留位置或致電(206)764-7000查詢更多有關資訊。由於座位有限,請預早報名。
幸福不是必然的,不是每個孩子都能够在安然的生活中成長,倘若你有感動,要把心中這一份愛活出來,成為國内殘障兒童的祝福,伴隨他們一步一步去實現夢想,在他們的生命中留下一個個充滿祝福的足印,歡迎你每月捐款42美元,資助他們一年的學費。請把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,並註明「助學計劃」。謝謝!