Written by Tina
In mid October, I found myself in one of the guest rooms of an orphanage and rehab center (AHCZ) in the southern part of China with roommate and fellow RM short term service trip (STST) member sister Tso. The walls of the room were thin; I could hear the chatter of children greeting one another as they pushed their walkers toward the dining hall for breakfast. As a retired occupational therapist, I had been asked to visit AHCZ to observe and offer recommendations; when I arrived, I was given a list of 20 children to evaluate over the course of 2½ days. This unexpected assignment turned out to be a blessing.
閱讀中文版 (一個終生難忘的體驗(上)).
It was not my plan to return to China again so soon – within four months — but when I was offered the opportunity to return to southern China and visit AHCZ, I asked the Lord to guide me. He knows I hate long-distance travel and am anxious in airports, especially those where I cannot speak or read the primary language. Through prayer and godly advice, He planted and nurtured a strong desire to return to China to follow up on the children and a paralyzed woman I met in northeastern part of China back in June as a member of an 11-person Rainbow Missions STST team. He also assured me He would help me in CZ and throughout my time of travel.
Our first visitation was to AHCZ. Many of the children will always be childlike in size, personality and cognitive abilities. On the other end of the spectrum, one young lady with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy has set her sights on attending Harvard University to become a fashion designer. One of the brightest moments of my stay was when I was able to train a child to use adaptive techniques to dress and undress himself. His mother had tears in her eyes as she said “I always did everything for him.” Now she has hope and can see he has abilities. Another beautiful moment was enabling a boy to sit independently on the floor for the first time through therapeutic stretching exercises and use of some of the equipment in the rehab center. With the help of wonderful mandarin interpreter who has since become a close friend, I was able to teach the physical therapists, parents, caregivers, and children therapeutic techniques.
At the AHCZ, I had the opportunity to meet parents and listen to their concerns. They want to know what can be done to keep their child from drooling, how to teach their child to alert them of their need to use the bathroom before they soil their clothing, how to get them to open their mouths wider to chew food more easily and speak more distinctly, and — in one case — what to do to control a daughter’s incessant singing. Even though we may not have the answers to all their questions, God is at work in and through the lives of parents and their children. And do you know what? He can empower and use volunteers like us through the power of His Holy Spirit.
Two STST trips to China are scheduled in 2018. Are you interested in visiting and staying at the orphanage for a few days? Rainbow Missions sincerely invites you to walk with us. Open up your life, live out the love in your heart, become their blessings and walk with them.
一個終生難忘的體驗 (上)
去年十月中,我與同是彩虹工程短期服務隊成員的曹姐妹來到位於中國南方的一間福利院(AHCZ) 服事。記得當時我們在一個訪客室坐著,穿過薄薄的牆壁,孩子們推著助行器到食堂吃早餐和互相聊天問候的聲音清晰可聞。其實我是一位退休職業(職能) 治療師,被邀請到福利院觀察孩子的需要並提出建議,但當我們到達福利院的時候,我卻收到了一份共有二十位孩子的名單,並且需要於我們在那裡逗留的兩日半時間內,為他們進行職能評估。想不到的是,這個突如其來的任務,卻成為了一個美好的祝福。