“The people who live in darkness have seen a great light, and for those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” (Matthew 4:16)
In 1998, a lovely girl was born in a remote village in the Guangxi Province. Sue had brilliant eyes that curiously explored this vibrant world.

This little girl, who is adored by her parents and grandparents, was struck by a high fever when she was 1 years old. Due to lack of professional medical services in around her village, treatment was delayed and her vision was severely impaired. She can only sense some light in her right eye and can barely see blurry images through her left. Since then, she has lived a trembling life in a murky world.
When the Lord led Rainbow Missions to this easy-going, cheerful and conversational girl, we were touched by her positive attitude. She is studying in college with the help of our sponsorship fund. Recently, she found out that she has a painful cornea ulcer. She may lose all her remaining sight if nothing is done immediately. The cornea transplant will cost her US$15,000.00. Please pray for Sue that she will have a successful surgery and a fast recovery for both her eyes. We sincerely ask you to generously give financial help to Sue so that a light will dawn upon her. A separate category fund is assigned for this purpose.
The voice of Sue from China:
I didn’t realize I was different when I was a little girl, but I was rejected when I wanted to play with other children in the village. Later, I became inferior and shut myself at home.
People in the village gossiped, “Her family is poor and she is blind. This is the end of her.” This made my parents all the more determined to give me a bright future no matter how tiring and hard they would have to work.
In fall of 2004, my parents sent me to a special education school in the county. In order to read, I had to use my finger tips to feel the bumpy Chinese Braille dots. After some time, my fingers developed blisters, but I learned it. All the pain paid off once I was able to read like other children.
When I knew my ability allowed me to enter secondary education, I was in great joy. The secondary special education school is a few hundred miles away. It is a long distance to travel and it is costly. I feared that it would be a hardship for my parents. Despite this, they were more excited than me.
September 2012 was my very first experience in a big city and I was full of anxiety and fear. During those three years of education, I was enriched with more knowledge and better ways of learning, and I learned how to live independently day to day.
Fortunately, I entered a special education high school in 2015. The teachers were like family members and angels. When I lost my direction in learning, they were the light to my footsteps. When I felt despair, they spread their wings to protect me from storms and gave me comfort. This warm and big family was the cornerstone and strength of my admission to tertiary education.
In April 2018, I was admitted to university which was my wish after three years of hard work. I know more friends who love to help each other. The care and sponsorship from my friends and Rainbow Missions has encouraged me to learn professional knowledge in medical massage. My resolution is to become a special education teacher in the future to help children who are poor with special needs so that they can be bold and live independently. This is how I will repay my parents who have sacrificed so much of their lives for me, and how I will repay my teachers and friends who have supported me on this difficult and trying journey.
The sun doesn’t always come out from the clouds. Two months ago, my right eye had severe pain. I was diagnosed with a cornea ulcer at the hospital of the university. The doctor gave me medicine to avoid rapid worsening of the situation so I could finish final exams at the end of the term.
During winter break, my father took me to the eye clinic at Guangzhou Zhongshan University. The ophthalmologist said the ultimate treatment is a cornea transplant. The cost of the transplant is about ¥60,000 Chinese money. There will be an addition of ¥40,000 for orthokeratology, pre and post-surgery examinations and recuperation. It will cost up to ¥100,000 (US$15,000.00).
My parents have agonized every day over the huge medical costs. They have worked many years with poisonous chemicals in a dyeing factory, and often worked long hours to get more income to meet the needs of our family with my 80+ year old grandparents, my 14-year-old brother and I. I can’t bear to see my soon-to-be elderly parents agonizing over me.
However, the ophthalmologist said we need to act fast for the surgery on the right eye otherwise the situation will worsen, and the left eye may also lose its remaining sight if the right eye is left untreated. When I think of it, I feel despair but when I see the hope of regaining more vision after the transplant, I am full of hope again.
Dear uncles and aunties of Rainbow Missions, please accept the request of asking for help from a brazen girl who fears darkness and desires for light. I sincerely hope that I can receive mental and financial support from you.
There are no words to express my gratitude to you. I will study hard and grow and become the help and blessing of other people.
If you would like to help Sue financially, please write a check to “Rainbow Missions” with remarks “Sue’s Eye Surgery” and mail the check to P.O. Box 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015-4145. You may also donate with your credit card through our website www.therainbows.org. Please do not forget to put remarks when you donate. Thank you very much.
“… for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:7b-8
Do not forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. (Hebrews 13:16)
「那 坐 在 黑 暗 裡 的 百 姓 看 見 了 大 光 ; 坐 在 死 蔭 之 地 的 人 有 光 發 現 照 著 他 們 。 」馬太福音 4:16

您若願意資助素素的手術費用,支票抬頭請寫『Rainbow Missions』並註明『Sue’s Eye Surgery』。請把支票郵寄至P.O. Box 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015-4145。也歡迎您在我們的網站www.therainbows.org捐款,並請註明捐款用途為『Sue’s Eye Surgery』。十分感謝你們。
樂意捐輸的人,是 神所喜愛的。
使你們凡事常常充足,多作各樣的善事。(哥林多後書 9:7b-8)
只是不可忘記行善,和捐輸的事,因為這樣的祭,是神所喜悅的 (希伯來書13:16)