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Dawn is a fourth-year visually impaired college student financially supported by the sponsorship program of Rainbow Missions. About two months ago, she wrote her experiences during her summer break and at the internship hospital. After reading what she wrote, I learned more about the struggles and hardships of visually impaired students and became even more inspired by their courage, diligence and perseverance……
Dear Rainbow Missions uncles and aunties,
Hello! I am Dawn, a fourth-year college student who wants to thank you for the loving care and support you’ve sent me from overseas. I would like to share my recent situation and study life with you. I hope you will enjoy and be encouraged by it.
July: This summer break was quite different from summers in the past because I anticipated it would probably be the last summer break I’d be having in my life. As such, I wanted to make it more meaningful and special! Although I wasn’t able to realize my dream of traveling somewhere because I had to prepare for the upcoming internship year with a summer job, I did not regret that decision because the boss of the massage shop was a Christian. She was very kind and took good care of me. The working environment was quite comfortable. After two weeks of work, I earned 2,100¥ and I was happy. It meant I didn’t need to worry about my living expenses for the next two months.

August: I arrived in Beijing, the capital of China, and got ready to start my internship. I met my three new companions; the four of us rented a one-bedroom apartment for ten months. Each of us paid 1,000¥ per month for rent. We are all blind students but we were confident we would adjust well to the new environment. We looked forward to a busy life together as interns.
By August 4th, we became familiar with the environment – not only in our own community but also elsewhere. We could navigate the commute to work and shop at the supermarket. We managed to cook our meals and not once needed to order take-out food! We cooperated very well with one another as we shared and completed all the household chores. We got along very well.

September: It had been a month since we started our internship at Beijing Massage Hospital. I got used to the busy daily life. On working days, I got up at 5 a.m., washed up, made breakfast, and rushed to the subway at 6 a.m. for an hour’s commute to work. I would start work at 7:30 am. Lunch break is 11:45-1:30 pm. Then I would continue working until 4:30 pm. After work I would take the hour-long subway trip home followed by cooking dinner, eating, cleaning, and reading books for an hour. Every day was very fulfilling. We also bought a guitar on the internet and sang together on weekends.
During the recent months, my professional knowledge, clinical experience, and massage skills improved a great deal. At the same time I gained some weight, haha!
These are some things about my daily life I wanted to share with you. From time to time I will continue to write about my experiences in diaries or weekly notes to keep the memories of friendship I treasure so much.
Thank you for your financial support through Rainbow Missions’ sponsorship program. I am very grateful I don’t need to worry how I’ll be able to pay rent for the next three months. I know Rainbow Missions’ aunties and uncles care for me a lot and I’m more than happy to share some of my life adventures. I am doing fine so far and everything is going well. I will always work hard to achieve the goals I’ve set for myself.
I appreciate each of you very much and hope to meet you some day. I wish you good health, happiness and all the best!

尊敬的彩虹叔叔阿姨, 你們好!我是丹丹,一個大學四年級的學生,感謝你們在遙遠的他鄉給我送來的溫暖和關心,我想與你們一起分享我現在生活和學習中的一些快樂,希望你們能不用太擔心我。
我想把它過得更有意義一些!但是,我終究沒有實現去任何地方旅遊的夢想,為了接下來的實習能夠順利完成,我還是走上了打暑期工的道路。不過我還是沒有很遺憾,因為在按摩店的老板是一位基督徒,她很善良,對我很照顧,整個工作過程都挺順心的。我還認識了幾好同 事,我們成了好朋友。經過了兩周的工作,離開的時候我拿到了 2100 塊(人民幣)的工資,很開心,因為這意味著接下來近兩個月的生活費可以不用愁啦!

八月:我已經到了首都北京,準備進入實習的生活。我有三個同伴,與我一共四個人合租 了一個有一個臥室和一個客廳的房子;我們要租十個月,平均每人每月約 1000 塊的房租。比 較巧合的是,我們四個人都是全盲的,不過我們都很有信心把生活過好,對接下來的忙碌的上班族的生活方式充滿了渴望。
八月 四日,我們在北京已經住了一周,我們都 已經熟悉了周圍的生活環境。我們不僅可以在小區里出入自如,我們還可以獨立完成去上班、 去超市買菜等的所有路程。我們都是自己做飯吃,沒有叫過一次外賣服務!我們在屋子里,大家都很積 極,分工合作完成所有家務,相處的非常愉快。

九月:在北京市按摩醫院實習已經一個月了,我已經比較適應了每天忙碌的生活。每個工作日都是早晨五點起床,洗漱、做早餐吃,六點整準時擠上地鐵四號線,經過一小時的路程, 到達上班地點。不到七點半開始上班,直到 11 點 45 分進入午休,下午 1 點 30 分繼續上班,到 4 點 30 下班,然後再坐一小時地鐵回家,接下來做飯、吃飯、打掃衛生,再看一小時書。每 天如此周而復始,過得很充實。我們還在閒餘時在網上買了一個 49 塊錢的吉他,週末的時候一起唱 歌。
彩虹的叔叔阿姨們給予我的資助費已經到賬了,我非常感激!這樣我可以不用在為接下來 的三個月的房租發愁啦。這一個多月以來,我的專業知識也得到了提高,臨床經驗方面受益匪淺,按摩技術也提升了很多,另外體重也上增加了不少呢!哈哈!