Dear Friends & Supporters,
As Christmas quickly approaches, we are reminded of Jesus, the Reason for the season, who unreservedly gave Himself for us so that we can have a relationship with our Heavenly Father who loves us unstintingly.
At Rainbow Missions, as we look back at the year, we are so grateful to you who have generously given of your time, prayers, participation, & resources to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with disabilities in China.
To round off the year, we have an opportunity to bring the Christmas message of God’s love to people with disabilities to tangibly show that they are not forgotten. We’d like to bless over 400 people with disabilities, their teachers, & caregivers in China with a simple gift &/or a meal:
- A Christmas lunch for over 300 students & over 60 teachers at a special education school for the visually impaired;
- A Christmas gift for over 30* cerebral palsy children & a few orphans;
- A Christmas gift for over 30 visually impaired college students.
We need to raise $5,000 to send out this Christmas blessings. You can make this possible by making your gifts at www.therainbows.org and click on “Donate to Rainbow Missions” or by sending your tax-deductible check to P.O. Box 1526, Renton, WA 98057.
Thank you for all your support & encouragement! What has been accomplished over these past 11 years since Rainbow Missions’ founding is the result of your faithful partnership! We appreciate you!
Merry Christmas,
Rainbow Missions
為了使這一年更圓滿,讓我們藉此聖誕佳節,把上帝的愛和聖誕信息帶給殘疾人,切實表明他們沒有被遺忘。我們希望通過一個簡單的禮物和/或一頓膳食,為400 多個殘疾人士,他們的老師和在中國的照顧者獻上祝福:
- 在視障者特殊教育學校為300 多名學生和60 多名教師提供聖誕午餐;
- 為30 多名腦癱兒童和少數孤兒提供聖誕禮物;
- 為超過30 名視力受損大學生提供聖誕禮物。
我們需要籌得$5,000 來送出這聖誕的祝福,您可以通過 www.therainbows.org 按 “Donate to Rainbow Missions” 發送您的禮物,或將您的抵稅支票寄到P.O. Box 1526,Renton,WA 98057。
感謝您的支持和鼓勵!過去11 年的成功,都是您忠誠合作的成果。我們感謝您!