There are a group of children in the world who are called “Children of the Stars.” In fact, they are just like other children, both innocent and cute. They are not deaf, but they will not hear the voices in this world. They are not dumb, but they will never know how to speak. They all have cute faces and beautiful eyes, but their eyes are faint and they always avoid eye contact. Since they can’t understand their relationship with others, it’s also difficult for them to understand the emotions and feelings of others. No matter what you say or do, they don’t care. They are always living in their own world. We call them “Children of the Stars”; medically these children are known to be autistic. People who have autism are just like the stars in the sky, one person and one world, shining alone. Even when facing someone who loves them, like their parents, they can’t see and hear it. Their world is cold and they don’t feel the warmth of the world.
When Lele was born, it was no different from other babies. However, day after day, his parents found that LeLe did not show signs of vocalization even though Lele was not deaf. Later, not only did Lele not like to talk but he also began to ignore people, ignore the things around him, and play alone.
Lele’s parents thought Lele was becoming more and more strange, so they decided to take him to the hospital for examination. They found out that Lele was a child with autism. His parents knew there is no medication that can help Lele to fully recover from autism; only reliable rehabilitation training can help children learn how to be more independent and take care of themselves. Lele’s mother decided to resign from work and focus on taking care of him. Lele’s dad earned money to pay the cost of rehabilitation. Lele’s mother also took him to rehabilitation institutions in different places to help him train well and hoped that he would slowly walk out of his closed world.
In fact, rehabilitation training is of great help to people with autism. Early intervention is of course the most ideal. However, rehabilitation training for children in the correct way at different times will also have different positive effects. At present, the most effective treatment for autism is to conduct “one-on-one” intensive behavior training for different children, so that they can gradually learn basic communication skills, slowly get out of their closed world, and learn to take care of themselves.
On March 15, 2019, Wang Xinhui, deputy of the National People’s Congress and the principle of the Autistic Children’s Rehabilitation Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, responded to the interview:
“When it comes to persistence, I especially want to ask everyone a question. What is your greatest wish? The most hearty answer I have heard over the years is, “I hope to live a day more than my child.” Said this sentence is a mother of an autistic child. She is desperate. She said, if one day I will die, I will definitely take my child together, because she does not know that the child should be entrusted to who. When she said these words, she was very calm, but I burst into tears. Her child, like all children with autism, lives alone in his own world. They do not dare to look at other people’s eyes, do not communicate with others, refuse to embrace, refuse to kiss, and cannot understand what is family, friendship, and love that we are used to. They can’t understand their parents’ love for children, and they can’t respond to some of their parents’ love needs. They are all such people playing alone in their own world. Sometimes they are hungry and sick, but they can’t say, “Mom, I am hungry” like a normal child. Therefore, for families, they have to face not only the cost of rehabilitation treatment day after day, but also the day-to-day emotional suffering, not seeing hope and dare not imagine the future.
In China, it is estimated that at least 100,000 autistic children will be discovered each year, that is, millions of families are living in such a predicament. Autism is discovered early in childhood and will be associated with life. At the current level of medical care at home and abroad, there is no reason to find out why and there is no better treatment. In the future, they will face more problems after they become adults, work, life, discrimination and so on. So now it may be a burden on the family, but in the future, it may be the burden of the whole society. As a representative of the National People’s Congress, I am taking advantage of this opportunity given to me by the General Assembly… I invite all the audience and friends, I hope that you can also care for these children who are called “Children from the Stars” and let them also have the opportunity to integrate into society. Have the opportunity to live a normal, equal and dignified life.”

Remember Zhuang Zhuang’s story from our annual fundraising dinner last fall? He is one of many children we support in an autism center in CC. Because he also has cerebral palsy, walking and going up and down stairs is very difficult for him. However, his family has never given up, and the teachers at the center have also carefully taught Zhuang Zhuang. After a period of treatment and training, Zhuang Zhuang has made good progress in communication and interaction with other people, and his ability to take care of himself. Compared to the videos we saw last year at our annual fundraising dinner of Zhuang Zhuang walking down a set of stairs, he has continued to show growth and progress in just four months.
The love of Christ Jesus inspires us. Are you willing to open your life, live this love, and be a blessing to others? Rainbow Missions sincerely invites you to walk with us. If you are willing to support “Children of the Stars” and their families in China, please send an email to for more information, or send checks payable to “Rainbow Missions” directly to Rainbow Missions at PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015. Please indicate “Operation fund”, “Short Term Service Trip (STST)” or “Sponsorship”, and please include your email address for a donation receipt. Thank you!
父母看著越來越陌生的樂樂,就帶他去醫院檢查,才發現樂樂是自閉症患兒。父母得知自閉症是無藥可治,只可靠康復訓練令小孩生活能自理,媽媽就把工作辭去,一心一意照顧他。自此,爸爸努力賺錢籌措樂樂的康復費用,媽媽則帶著樂樂到不同地方的康復機構,讓樂樂受訓,讓他慢慢走岀封閉的世界 ……
自閉症是在兒童早期發現的,並且會伴隨終身,以目前國內外的醫療水平,還沒有找到原因是什麼,也就沒有更好的治療辦法 ……
今天作為全國人大代表,借助大會給我的這個機會…… 我懇請所有觀眾朋友們,希望你們也能夠關愛這些被稱之為「來自星星的孩子」,讓他們也有機會融入社會,有機會過上正常、平等而有尊嚴的生活……

基督耶穌的愛激勵我們,您願意敞開您的生命,把這一份愛活出來,成為別人的祝福嗎? 彩虹工程摯誠邀請你與我們同行,倘若你願意在金錢上支持服務隊或捐款幫助更多「星星的孩子」及他們的家庭,請聯絡我們(206)-734-7000或致電郵 索取更多有關資訊,或直接把支票(抬頭請寫Rainbow Missions)寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,及註明「機構發展」,「短期服務隊」或「助學計劃」,並請填寫電郵地址,以便寄發捐款收據。謝謝!簡介: 彩虹工程是依據非牟利機構組織法501(c)(3) 在美國西雅圖註冊的慈善機構。彩虹工程以基督的愛為中心,服務中國殘障兒童及家庭。歡迎瀏覽網址:。