A Concert of Love, DIY Fundraising

Do you know what DIY means? Every day we DIY although we don’t use this acronym very often. It means “Do It Yourself”. A medium or large size DIY project is not a cup of tea for everyone. Consider building a house all by yourself. If the DIY project is a large scale musical project, organized by a few high school teenagers, it becomes extraordinary!

按此閱讀中文版 (愛的音樂會, DIY 籌款).

We are thrilled to announce a DIY charity fundraising concert for Rainbow Missions organized by a few high school teenagers. These teenagers heard about the poor conditions and difficulties of people with disabilities and orphans in China. They know the needs are huge. They are inspired by the work Rainbow Missions is doing in China and their hearts are deeply touched. They want to do something for the needs in China. So they came up with the idea of a fundraising concert to help. They want to touch the hearts of the guests with the musical talent that God has given them. They want to open up the hearts and pockets of the guests while they are enjoying the music. The target fundraising amount for this event is 7,500.00. With the funding, Rainbow Missions can provide appropriate treatments, education for children with cerebral palsy and arrange professionals to provide suitable training and advice to the teachers and workers in China.

With the help of their parents, the teenagers have confirmed the venue, programs, promotions, guest registration and so on. This is the very first DIY function initiated by the supporters of Rainbow Missions in Seattle.  These teenagers are strongly in need of help from volunteers. Rainbow Missions only plays a subordinate role of introducing the organization and services provided at the concert.

It is worth mentioning that these talented teenagers have won different musical international awards. Angela got first prize in an international music competition. Robert is the winner of the Seattle International Piano Competition. Arthur, the youngest of them, got first prize at the Classic Vienna Festival. Alex is the champion of the 2016 Northwest Chopin Festival. Jonathan is the 1st prize at the 2016 Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside. It is a great performance that you will not want to miss! They will also share why they organize this fundraising activity.

If you are interested, please RSVP below. The teenagers are preparing and practicing for the concert. Your contribution and support at the concert are highly appreciated.

It is hope that more and more volunteers and supporters will take part in running various kinds of DIY charity functions in the days to come.  These can be walkathon, runathon, hikathon, sports or cycling, garage sale, talent shows, iron chefs or any creative ideas you can think of. Creative ideas and activities for helping those less fortunate children and orphans are always welcomed.



愛的音樂會, DIY 籌款

你知道DIY是什麼意思嗎?每天我們都DIY事情,只是我們不常用這個縮寫字,它是 Do It Yourself 『自己動手做』的縮寫。一些中型或大型DIY項目不是人人能做得來的,我們未必能自己一個人蓋一座房子。若這DIY項目是由幾位高中學生年青人來策劃主辦的大型音樂會,更絕不簡單。



值得一提的是這些有天賦的年青人曾取得很多國際音樂節的獎項。Angela拿取了國際音樂比賽的第一獎,Robert是西雅圖國際鋼琴比賽冠軍,最年青的一位Arthur得了古典維也納節的第一獎,Alex是2016年西北區蕭邦節的冠軍,Jonathan 拿取了2016年東區表演藝術節的第一獎。 我們怎能錯過這些精彩的表演呢!他們還會在音樂會會中分享他們為何要辦這籌款活動。

若你對本次音樂會感到興趣,請在我們的網站 登記留位 。這些年青人正在為這音樂會積極練習和籌備,我們感謝你們的支持和奉獻。


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Angela's Fundraising Concert 籌款音樂會
Date 日期: Saturday, August 27th, 2016. 2016年8月27日 星期六
Time 時間:2:00pm. Please arrive 15 minutes early for seating. 下午二時開始,請於一時四十五分準時入席。
Venue 地點:The Chapel, Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart
Address 地址:4800 139th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98006

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