聖誕禮物活動 2020
Read the English version (CHRISTMAS GIVING CAMPAIGN 2020)
- 為我們贊助的視障學生和殘障兒童提供聖誕節禮物
- 為在疫情期間遭遇經濟危機的殘障兒童家庭提供聖誕節禮物
- 為自閉症中心的特殊教育老師和員工提供聖誕節禮物
- 為我們的本地同工和特殊教育老師提供培訓作為聖誕禮物
- 支持我們的緊急醫療危機基金,幫助陷入困境的殘障兒童家庭
- 為殘障兒童或/青少年及視障大學生提供聖誕禮物和餐點
我的禮物是 $ 20 x________ 兒童/青少年及視障大學生 = - 為疫情期間遭遇經濟危機的殘障兒童家庭提供聖誕禮物
我的禮物是 $ 100 x ______ 殘障兒童的家庭 =
- 為特殊教育老師/員工提供聖誕禮物和餐點
我的禮物是 $ 30 x ______ 老師 /員工 =
- 為本地同工及特殊教育老師提供培訓資源所需的 $ 2000 美元
我的禮物是 $ 50 $100 $250 或 $ ______
- 為緊急醫療危機基金需要籌集的 $ 3000 美元
我的禮物是 $ 25 $50 $100 或 $ ______
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- 開一張支票給 “Rainbow Missions”
- 在支票的備註行上,寫 “Christmas Giving”
- 請把支票郵寄到:
Rainbow Missions
P.O. Box 40145
Bellevue, WA 98015-4145
倘若你願意在這個普天同慶的日子為他們傳遞關愛和祝福, 請聯絡我們 (206)-734-7000,或 rainbows@therainbows.org,或直接把支票寄往Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015,抬頭請寫「Rainbow Missions」及註明「Christmas Giving 聖誕禮物捐款」,並請填寫電郵地址,以便寄發捐款收據。謝謝!
Christmas Giving Campaign 2020 Video
Dear RM Families, Friends, and Supporters,
Christmas is around the corner! This Christmas is especially precious due to the various challenges and world events that have greatly impacted every person in the world. Given the pandemic or political and social issues, some of us lost loved ones, are recovering from COVID-19 or are experiencing financial challenges and have lost hope for the future. As Christmas approaches, let’s focus upon and share God’s greatest gift — Jesus Christ, His only Son — with everyone around us, especially those who do not yet know Him or who are having a hard time adjusting to the new normal. Let us rejoice and celebrate Christ’s miraculous birth and His gift of new life. Let’s shine for God by sharing His love with those who are in need and by demonstrating our trust in God as we let go of fears during this unprecedented time.
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas with our loved ones, I hope you will also consider showing God’s love to children, teens, and college students with disabilities in China as well as their loving caregivers and teachers. Let’s shower them with the same unconditional love we received from our Lord. We hope to raise $10,000 to bless each with a simple Christmas gift. Every gift will be accompanied with a note telling them they are loved. Your gifts will go toward:
- Christmas gifts for our sponsored visually impaired students and disabled children
- Christmas gifts for families with disabled children that are experiencing financial crises during the pandemic
- Christmas gifts for special education teachers and staff at the Autism Center
- Christmas gifts to provide training for our local field workers and special education teachers
- Supporting our crisis fund for medical emergencies and unforeseeable hardships
Through your gift, you will be able to share God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas with children, teens, and college students with disabilities as well as their families, teachers, and local field workers in China. Please continue to pray for them. Thank you in advance for your generous loving support.
Merry Christmas,
- A Christmas gift & meal for our sponsored disabled children/youth and visually impaired (VIP) college students
My gift is $ 20 x _______ children /youth/VIP college students - A Christmas gift for families with disabled children that are experiencing financial crises during the pandemic
My gift is $ 100 x _______ disabled children and their families - A Christmas gift & meal for our special education teachers and staff at the Autism Center
My gift is $ 30 x _______ teacher (s) - A Christmas gift of training for our local field workers and special education teachers. RM needs to raise $ 2000
My gift is $ 50 $100 $250 or $_______ - Crisis fund for medical emergencies and unforeseen hardships. RM needs to raise $ 3000
My gift is $ 25 $50 $100 or $_______
We accept donations in cash, checks, credit card and PayPal.
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For offline donation simply follow these instructions:
- Make a check payable to “Rainbow Missions”
- On the memo line of the check, write “Christmas Giving”
- Please mail your check to:
Rainbow Missions
P.O. Box 40145
Bellevue, WA 98015-4145
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.
If you are willing to share your love and blessings during this Christmas season, please contact us at (206)-734-7000, or rainbows@therainbows.org or send us a check directly to Rainbow Missions, PO BOX 40145, Bellevue, WA 98015, payable to “Rainbow Missions” and please specify “Christmas Giving” and fill in your email address for us to send you a donation receipt. Thank you!