Announcement: All 2019 donation receipts have been sent out by email or regular mail before the end of January. If you have not received it yet, please feel free to contact us and we are more than happy to resend it to you. Thank you again for your generous donations!

Yao was born in 1993 in a small village in Shandong province, China. Life in the village was simple and quiet. His parents were busy in the fields and he enjoyed fishing at the creek in the ravine. Due to the traditional patriarchal order, his elder sister did all the house chores while he played. He never played a video game nor ate at KFC, but he was very happy.
Happy times always seem too short. After being recognized as the top student in first grade at the village elementary school, Yao encountered the most difficult test in his young life when his vision deteriorated sharply. His parents took him to see doctors in the county, the city, and eventually faraway Beijing to see specialists. They went back and forth to have his eyes examined and spent all their money – including all their savings and loans from relatives. They eventually learned he had congenital macular degeneration — which unfortunately happens too commonly in children — and it was incurable. The family received this news with sadness, disappointment and despair. For a while his parents argued almost every day. Heavy debt made them lose hope in life. Yao blamed himself.
Over time, his parents decided to start over. They went to work in the county on weekdays and in the fields on weekends. Grandma took on farm work at their village home. Yao went back to school with a magnifying glass while his sister worked hard preparing for the high school entrance exam.
His sister’s acceptance into college brought great joy to the family. After a few years’ hard work, his parents finally were able to pay off their debts and their lives were a little easier. Even though his sister needed a great deal of money to attend college, his parents were very supportive. Later, Yao also faced the challenge of the college entrance examination. With the encouragement of his teachers and classmates, he hoped he could also change his life through the examination like his sister. However, because of his poor eyesight, he was unable to complete the test answer sheet. He dropped out of school and returned home. The dream of college study became out of reach.
God saw all the doors were closed for Yao and knew Yao’s heart. He opened a window for him. Under the guidance of a kind doctor, Yao went to Qingdao Blind School to study and the hope of college study was renewed. After three years of study, he totally changed. He was always at the top of his class and made great progress in his studies. He was no longer a mountain village boy. The modern society of the big city made Yao see hard work was the way to happiness.
He finally got his wish to be admitted to X Medical College to study Chinese medicine. It brought great joy to his parents who looked older than their actual age. Yao knew the ups and downs of their lives were mainly because of him. Fortunately, after each storm a rainbow always came to bring comfort and hope!

Yao became a student leader in college; his classmates were also visually impaired dreamcatchers who did not yield to fate. Campus life is fleeting. Over five years’ time, Yao changed from being surprised and curious about the outside world to being knowledgeable, calm and tenacious. His first two visits in Beijing had been with his parents to seek medical help; the third was to take a joint entrance exam for a university and a medical college in Beijing. During his fourth visit to Beijing, he became a university intern. This time he came to prove life was not futile despite being visually impaired.
Yao entered a university in Beijing that required 7000 yuan for tuition and 900 for accommodations per year. Although the school offered him a scholarship of 6,000, his monthly expenses in Beijing were as high as 900. After three months, he felt the pressures of survival. He considered he was 26 years old and would exhaust his parents’ savings after finishing college. He did not want to add more financial burdens to them. He wanted to solve the financial problem himself. He tried to find a part-time job but was repeatedly rejected. During this difficult time, a student who received financial support from Rainbow Missions introduced him to us. When we came to understand his challenges, we decided to support him financially through our sponsorship program to enable him to complete his studies.
Rainbow Missions organizes a Christmas Giving Campaign at the end of every November. We provide Christmas gifts and arrange celebration events for children with disabilities, their teachers and caregivers, families with special needs, and students with visual impairments in China. Through various gifts and celebrations, we want them to experience the warmth and support of people who love the Lord from a faraway land. Yao received a very nice and practical thermal cup as a gift and felt very blessed. The following is the letter he wrote us at the end of 2019:
“Dear uncles and aunties of Rainbow Missions and all caring people, how are you? I am very happy to be able to share the joy of Christmas with you. The semester is about to end. In my clinical practice I received teachers’ dedicated guidance and support. Of course, this year’s great harvest was not just the increase of knowledge; my heart was deeply warmed by the love I received from Rainbow Missions.
This time last year, I took postgraduate entrance examinations with nothing but hopes and dreams. My wish was granted. I went to one of the universities in Beijing to study in a graduate program in Chinese medicine. However, after living in Beijing for more than two months, the heavy economic pressure almost completely crushed my ambition to study. I started to doubt my decision to go to Beijing to study because my parents are in their sixties and their health is deteriorating. I felt they had given me too much and blamed myself for being too selfish. During my busy studies, I actively looked for part-time jobs but because of my visual impairment and time limitations, I repeatedly encountered obstacles. When I was about to give up, Rainbow Missions appeared! Thanks to your loving support, I can now sit at my desk to review my lessons and concentrate on my studies. I really feel joyful seeing the rainbow after the storms! I am so grateful for having the opportunity to meet you. When I was in my most distressed moments, you sheltered me from the wind and rain and enabled me to heal. For all these, I will soar as high as I can to return your loving support.
Perhaps God allowed me to be visually impaired just to show miracles can happen when there is love on earth.
For the rainbow after the storms, I will continue to work hard!
Thanks again for your care and support! I hope each of you loving friends is healthy and has a peaceful life! Merry Christmas!”
報告: 2019年度的奉獻收據,已經在一月底前透過電郵或普通郵件全部寄出。如果您還沒有收到,歡迎盡快跟我們聯繫,再 次謝謝您的慷慨支持!


彩虹工程在每年的十一月底,都會舉辦聖誕捐贈活動(Christmas Giving Campaign),主要為國內的殘障孩子、他們的老師與照顧者、一些有特別需要的家庭、並視障大學同學預備聖誕聚餐活動和禮物,盼望在遙遠的他鄉,即使他們在困境中,也有機會經歷主的愛所帶來的溫暖與盼望。收到非常精美實用的保溫杯為禮物的瑤膺,覺得十分開心,以下是他在去年底給我們的迴響:
「親愛的彩虹工程的叔叔阿姨以及所有的愛心人士,您們好! 我很高興能與您們一起分享聖誕節的歡樂。這學期即將結束,在臨床上,我得到了老師的盡心指點,收穫滿滿。當然,今年收穫的不僅僅是滿滿的知識,讓我深感溫暖的,還有彩虹工程滿滿的愛。